Home Law Schools Facts about Columbia Law School

Facts about Columbia Law School

Facts about Columbia Law School

Columbia Law
School is an academic foundation centered on its highly trained and
accomplished academic staff, the school’s diverse group of students, and their
overall promise of an enriching and rewarding endeavor into the law education.
Like many other law schools, Columbia Law offers higher education degrees that
can open up doors in the academic and the professional world.

However, one of the aspects which is brought up in regards to Columbia Law
School is its location. Columbia Law School is located in New York City; New
York City is a metropolis of legal firms, businesses, and daily ventures that
all run under laws and legal aspects. With Columbia Law in such close proximity
to a number of law firms and business, it is no wonder that some of the most
important programs they offer are clinical programs which bring the students
out of the academic classroom and put them into work scenarios.

Under the close observation of legal professionals, Columbia Law Students are
allowed to use their basic knowledge of law and academics, in order to
speculate, create and assist with law related issues. Columbia Law School also
helps to prepare the higher level academic students for the Bar examination.
The Bar examination is what allows for licensing of legal professionals.
Overall, Columbia Law School’s rich back-drop of New York City, skilled legal
professionals, and high standards of excellence has created an image of the
comprehensive and well-rounded law student/professional.